I hate fighting Dhalsim users......so effing cheap. Because of that I ended up losing the 1st match. But you know...in spite of that, I think it was worth the trip. Some fights were pretty epic and I even predicted the winner of the tourney b4 it even started lol. there was even a band outside the gamestop playing game music. They even played Ryu and Ken's theme! that got me so hyped! but then i lost lol. Oh well...better luck next time I guess. Next time around I'll be ready.
Ah, well you gave it your best shot, right? At least you were able to take part in the tournament. It was worth the trip, wasn't it?
Man I can't wait to get this game!
yeah...i trierd my best. i knew i wasnt gonna get far anyway cuz there were evo players there too. hell i even met eric kim. his sagat was nasty. i'll get up to their level soon. ^_^v